Ezreal – Who needs a map?

There are those champions that never fall out of your favour. Those that make your eyes sparkle. Champions you go to for that comfort. Mine, is Ezreal ADc.

Why you don’t require Maps.

Ezreal is probably one of the safest marksman one can use on the rift. His Arcane Shift (E) make him as nimble as a fox. With it you can dodge skillshots, evade ganks and re-position in team-fights. He can farm from range with his Mystic Shot (Q) and wait for his item spikes to go aggressive.


Why does he make my eyes sparkle?

No, I’m not into computer generated figures. I like Ezreal because of the way he is built in the current meta, where one goes Blue build. You start off with a tear, which gives you the sustain to poke your enemy quite often. At this point you are pretty weak, but only until you get a sheen. Here you can Q+AA (Auto-attack) the enemy and end up winning trades. If you doing well, you go straight for the Iceborn gauntlet. This item gives you an empowered auto attack after a skill which slows the enemy for a short period of time.

You can also hit minions with your empowered auto-attack or Mystic shot and damage the opponent behind them.

Basically, this item is your bread and butter. In an elo where you will rarely find anyone who will peel for you, you need your own crowd control. Just like Ashe you can slow down enemies which charge at you, but you also have the ability to re-position, with your extra flash in arcane shift.


Is he that perfect?


No, the difficult part in playing Ezreal is the fact that you are completely skillshot based. If you don’t land those skill-shots, you will never deal enough damage to carry yourself through the games. Sharpen your sights and you can do really well with him.

Words of Advice


If you are getting ahead expect more and more attempts for the enemies to focus/gank you. The first reaction is to kite away from your team towards the turrets, even if they are really far away. Don’t do that!! Especially if the enemy is a busty assassin, literally makes you dead meat. You want to kite towards your allies, this way they will help you kill him or at least go even.

Don’t forget to use your Mystic shot as a barrage to poke constantly, while helping you slow down charging enemies.

Your Essence Flux (W) is not useless, don’t forget to use it on allies to increase their attack speed. It also procs your Sheen effects which increases the next auto-attack damage and slows the enemy down, giving you time to dish out damage.

Go for a blue trinket at level 9. This should be a staple move for ADc but it is especially useful for Ezreal. Your Farsight alteration, synergises with your Trueshot Barrage (R) ultimate. Makes me feel like SivHD.

For a complete guide you can always pop in this wonderful guide.

Best of Luck, Summoner



Picture credits: Ezreal Cartoon: http://www.zerochan.net/Ezreal

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